The Predictors Insider
Predictors Insider
Get all the off-season updates, each week, free.
Backed by our team of leading sports injury analytics and docs including former Fox Sports Injury Analyst, Dr. Matt Provencher, we deliver insider data on injury analysis, recovery trends and predictions that will give you a strategic edge for your fantasy league and betting decisions when the season kicks off.
The Predictors
Renowned orthopedist Dr. Matt Provencher and his company, The Predictors, deliver data-driven injury insights to football fans. Over the past three years, he and his team provided important predictive player health and recovery information about post-injury performance, the impact of weather, field conditions and more to the TV personalities at FOX Sports for their use during broadcasts, thus serving hometown team loyalists, fantasy league owners and wagering interests!

Just for being a member of The Predictors insider, you'll get:
- The Predictors' weekly newsletter
- One ADDITIONAL podcast w/top injury analyst and former Fox commentator, Dr. Provencher
- This week's NFL news Youtube
- ALL of The Predictors information shared across platforms each week, in one place
- Deep-dive analyses of player recoveries, off-season training impacts, and potential comeback stories.
- Every article released on the Predictors site that week
- Other exclusive content from Dr Provencher including podcast guest spots and news features