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    Turf vs Grass

    Turf vs Grass

    The Impact of Playing Surfaces on NFL Injuries

    The debate over artificial turf versus natural grass has become a major focus in NFL player safety discussions. This page explores the differences between these playing surfaces and their potential influence on player health. Through detailed injury data, peer-reviewed research, media reports, and an in-depth look at the playing surfaces of NFL stadiums, we examine how these factors might contribute to injury rates. Scroll down to explore recent injury trends, read expert opinions, and discover how field conditions could impact the future of the sport.

    Recent Lower Body Injuries

    Track recent player injuries and their correlation with playing surfaces.

    NFL Injury Rates by Surface Type

    Injuries per game by surface type

    NFL Stadium Surface Types

    (Click on bar to see surface details)

    NFL Stadium Surfaces by Stadium

    Current playing surfaces for all NFL stadiums.

    Proportion of Injuries by Surface Type and Position